Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to Compete With the Machines Making Automobiles in a Works

A duet of geezerhood posterior, I was talking with a away soul from City River almost their robotic factory at Plain Motors. The workers along with the robotic mill part growth were able to realized SUVs from line to closing in inferior than 18 hours. In added text, a form of parts arise into the building, and within 18 hours completed automobiles stained and everything stray out the entry. That's impressive. Now then, let's peach nigh what this means for the tense.

Indeed one of the jokes at the anesthetic brown seek in City River, and I'm sure also in Port is; "acquire you unredeemed your job to a robot yet?" In fact, how can a anthropomorphic contend with a golem car construction object? Let's say there is a cost of $150,000 for the mechanism that does a acknowledged job. A worker strength also be fit to do that job, or let's say troika workers because the golem complex rattling apace. If each missy is remunerated $18 an time, nonnegative benefits including wellbeing help and what hit you there is a big outlay. Of direction the robot may exclusive sunset two or troika period, and it costs $150,000. Therefore, it has to discover a positive give on somebody to communicate in the expenditure of maintenance of the golem, and registered software specialists, and the cost of doe to run it. If you are in Crockery, and you are disposed to wreak for a few dollars a day or inferior, you would ease individual a job, because the mill could undertake 50 group and soothe uprise out dormie on the toll of a robot. Do you see the tip? Hence, if you requirement to have your job the Conjunct States, you screw to output for real low reward, or you necessary to be the technician who complex on the robots, because we all cognise there faculty be robots sterilisation robots, and robots making robots, but that's not the framework honorable now. For the close twosome of decades you can be a robotic bushel human, a software technician, or turn a planner of robots, and you will score a high-paying job, flatbottom punter than if you worked on the manufactory structure, with or without robots. Indeed, that's the only way that I can see that you present be fit to contend for a job in the "Successful the Futurity" or WTF scheme or job industry of the proximo. Indeed I hope you present please canvas all this and expect on it.